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We get excited about combining data streams in an orderly fashion. For this reason, Brthrs enjoys working on online portals or portals. Portals can share information to a group of users. Consider employees, suppliers or customers. For example, Brthrs developed an online portal for the 85 thousand members of the General Education Union.

This article focuses on another application of a portal: the customer portal. A customer portal is an online platform where customers can access various functionalities shared by the company. There are several reasons why companies have a customer portal created. Read more about the benefits of a customer portal here.

1. Improved customer satisfaction

A portal makes it easier for customers to request information or engage with a company in a secure environment. This therefore allows customers to access information, purchase additional services or ask a question whenever and wherever they want. For example, consider a telecom provider’s web app, where you can increase your subscription, view your usage and retrieve the latest bills. This allows you to have all existing applications under one customer portal. Super convenient!

Because customers are now no longer dependent on the response time of medworkers and all customer processes work more efficiently, customer satisfaction can be higher. After all, customers choose when to take action. Who doesn’t like an efficient business?

Photo of Reinoud and Romana at work in the Brthrs office2. Increased efficiency of business operations

Answering questions and pushing standard tasks takes unnecessary time. This repetitive work can be well fulfilled through an online customer portal. The customer portal can be linked to the financial or logistics systems. In this way, customers can easily and quickly access the information they need. Not only does this improve the efficiency of the company, it will also lead to more job happiness among your employees. Chances are your employees won’t be happy with all these manual processes.

3. More opportunity for other work

This benefit arises from the previous two benefits of customer portals. By using a customized customer portal, company employees can spend less time answering repetitive questions or providing certain information. This gives them more time to focus on other tasks, such as handling more complex requests or developing new products or services. These are often the bottlenecks that organizations do not have enough capacity for.

Photo of kristine, robert and reinoud at the Brthrs office. While drawing on a whiteboard

4. Greater customer insight

A customer portal also provides better insight into customer behavior. After all, you have no visibility into the path a customer takes before he calls your organization or sends an email. A web app does allow this information to be tracked. This allows you to communicate better in a customer-focused way.

Through a portal, you can retrieve and analyze this data, This then gives an organization insight, for example, into key bottlenecks in the customer journey or specific customer questions. Solving these issues will improve your organization’s customer satisfaction, efficiency and revenue!

5. More positive brand image

Companies that offer a customer portal show that they are investing in the relationship with these customers. The customer notices this by the ease with which he can arrange matters himself. This results in better customer satisfaction and a more positive brand image.

Who doesn’t want to make ambassadors of their customers? There are no better proven lead generation techniques than satisfied customers telling other potential customers about your business. In addition, loyal customers are more likely to return for follow-up purchases. Win-win situation in other words!

reinoud from brthrs at brthrs office in utrecht

Having a customer portal developed

Want more information with no obligation about having a customer portal developed for your organization? Then get in touch with Brthrs! With our years of experience, we will be happy to tell you more about the benefits of a customer portal for your specific case.

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