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Discover the Revolutionary Power of ChatGPT Development: The New GPT-4 Turbo and Assistants API

If you’re interested in developing ChatGPT apps or integrating powerful AI into your digital products, the latest news from OpenAI’s DevDay is something you absolutely must know about. The introduction of the new GPT-4 Turbo and Assistants API sets a new standard for developers looking for advanced chatgpt development and chatgpt linking capabilities.

GPT-4 Turbo: A Gamechanger in AI

The new GPT-4 Turbo is not just an update; it is a revolution in the AI world. With an impressive 128K context window, this model can handle more than 300 pages of text at once, making building complex chatgpt apps easier than ever. As for pricing, GPT-4 Turbo offers a 3x cheaper price for input tokens and a 2x cheaper price for output tokens, making it an advantageous choice for any developer engaged in chatgpt development.

The Assistants API: Your Partner in AI Development

OpenAI has now launched the Assistants API, a tool that allows developers to build their own AI assistance apps with goals and features. This API is a true gamechanger, with capabilities ranging from coding assistants to AI-driven vacation planners. It offers a range of tools, including a Code Interpreter and Retrieval, that take the burden off complex development tasks.

Screenshot of the new OpenAI ChatGPT API Playground.Integration of Multimodal Capacities

The new release also includes expanded multimodal capabilities, including GPT-4 Turbo with Vision and the DALL-E 3 API. These innovations enable developers to analyze real-world images and read complex documents, making chatgpt linkage with visual data a reality.

Make Your Apps More Human with Text-to-Speech

The addition of text-to-speech (TTS) to the OpenAI platform means developers can now generate human-quality speech from text, making AI assistants even more interactive.

Pricing and Accessibility

These new features and models come with an aggressive price cut, making them accessible to a wider range of developers. And higher rate limits allow developers to scale their applications without sacrificing performance.

Protecting Your Rights with Copyright Shield

OpenAI is also introducing Copyright Shield, a service that protects customers from legal claims around copyright infringement – an important consideration when developing chatgpt apps.

Future-proof Your Development with Whisper v3 and Consistency Decoder

Finally, the release of Whisper large-v3 and the Consistency Decoder allows developers access to the most advanced tools for speech recognition and image enhancement, paving the way for even more innovative applications of ChatGPT development.


OpenAI’s latest announcements are a clear signal that the era of advanced chatgpt app development and chatgpt linking is here. With GPT-4 Turbo and the Assistants API, developers can push the boundaries of what is possible with AI and build groundbreaking chatgpt apps that change the way we interact with technology. Are you ready to be part of this AI revolution?

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