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As an Internet agency, Brthrs is constantly engaged in developing mobile apps and websites. Since we have noticed in practice the importance of digital accessibility, the inclusivity of our online products is a high priority for us.

That we cannot stop talking about digital accessibility is a logical consequence of this. But, when developing or improving an app your organization, how do you make sure this issue is included? In this article, we provide tips for developing digitally accessible apps and improving existing ones.

Why do apps need to be accessible?

The importance of digitally accessible apps is multifaceted. The main motivation, we believe, is in making apps that are useful to everyone. Regardless of a disability or the device the app is used with.

The Netherlands has about 3 million people with functional disabilities. By developing digitally accessible apps, you ensure that even these people can use your app without difficulty.

In addition, inclusive design has benefits for everyone. Not only does it make your website or app work better and look nicer, but it also strengthens your brand by showing that you want to be there for everyone.

Legislation around digital accessibility for apps

Whereas inclusiveness is a driver for some organizations, a legal requirement works better for others. As of June 23, 2021, legislation went into effect around accessibility of the apps of government and semi-government organizations. According to this legislation, apps from provinces, municipalities, the central government and healthcare institutions, among others, must comply with the WCAG web guidelines.

By 2025, this requirement applies to all mobile apps, such as web shops, streaming services and games. In fact, in that year, the European Accessibility Act (EAA) goes into effect. This pan-European regulation aims to make digital products services more inclusive. The major difference between the EAA and current legislation is that the EAA also targets commercial organizations.

Thus, with future legislation in mind, it is wise to develop accessible apps yet to be created. By including accessibility from the beginning, time and therefore money can be saved. After all, any changes no longer need to be made after the fact.

Developing accessible apps

During the development process, we involve the organization as much as possible in the accessibility points. Discussing the do’s and don’ts of accessible apps together significantly increases awareness internally. In this way, we work together to create apps that are not only accessible, but remain accessible.

As an accessible Internet agency, we not only design and develop accessible apps, we also ensure that existing apps comply with Web guidelines. This allows an inaccessible app to be made accessible at a later stage.

Want to learn more about developing a digitally accessible app? Then visit the contact page and get in touch directly for more information.

Brthrs Agency Team

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