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Would you like to develop a new app? Then you can do this in different ways and for different platforms.

What type of app you want to develop can be a tough choice. You need to think carefully about a number of things. Where are the users located? What is the purpose of the app? And what features are important?

An app should strengthen your organization, be user-friendly and work smoothly. A successful app is an absolute addition. But, to succeed, it is important to have a clear strategy. If so, then the right choice of app type follows naturally. We are happy to think with you about a watertight strategy.

In this blog, we explain the differences between native and hybrid apps so you can make a good choice for developing your new app.

Photo of kristine, robert and reinoud at the Brthrs office. While drawing on a whiteboardIn short: a native app

In a previous blog, we briefly explained what a native app is. For the sake of clarity, we list the most important features again here.

  • A native app is developed specifically for a particular platform, such as Android or iOS.
  • Native apps often offer users the best user experience
  • Native app development takes more time and money compared to other types.

When do you choose a native app?

Want to develop a powerful, fast app with a pixel-perfect design? And do you have enough time for development and budget? Then the choice of a native app is a logical one. Moreover, this way you build a high-quality app, which you can certainly use for many years to come.

A hybrid app

With a hybrid app, you quickly and easily develop an app for multiple platforms. This type of app is built with one flexible code base that can be easily modified and reused. This way, you develop an app that works on multiple platforms with one code. This means that a hybrid app has the same look and feel as a native app, so you don’t have to develop an app for each separate operating system.

Hybrid apps can be developed with different tools and frameworks. One popular framework is React Native. React Native is an open source framework developed by Facebook and based on the JavaScript library React. It uses native components and programming languages to build hybrid apps that feel like native apps.

Photo of Reinoud and Romana at work in the Brthrs officeThe pros and cons of a hybrid app

Hybrid apps offer some advantages over native apps. They deliver an excellent user experience while being more efficient and cost-effective to develop and maintain. Hybrid apps can also be easily updated because they are built on a single code base.

One disadvantage of hybrid apps is that they are sometimes slower and do not perform as well as native apps. Hybrid apps rely on native programming languages to work on multiple operating systems. They also don’t always have access to all the features and integrations of a smartphone, as native apps do.

When do you choose a hybrid app?

Want to make your app work on multiple operating systems, from one code? Then the hybrid app offers a solution. Moreover, hybrid apps are often easier and faster to develop than a native app. This can be useful if you work with a limited schedule or want to cut costs.

What should you look for when choosing a native or hybrid app?

When choosing between a native app or a hybrid app, there are several criteria to consider.


If budget is an important consideration, developing a hybrid app may be an attractive option. This way is often easier and faster to develop than a native app. This can help save time and therefore costs.

Development time

As mentioned above, developing a hybrid app can be faster than developing a native app. If time is a limiting factor, opting for a hybrid app may be a good option.

User Experience

Native apps often have a better user experience than hybrid apps. This is because they are designed specifically for the operating system on which they are run. If user experience is important to your app, developing a native app may be a better choice.


If you want to add features to your app that are specific to the operating system on which it runs, choosing a native app makes more sense. Hybrid apps are sometimes limited in the functionalities they can offer.


If your app is aimed at a specific audience, it is important to have the users’ needs mapped out. Of course, you want your app to match that. For example, is your app aimed at business users or are certain features important? Then choosing a native app may be a better choice, because of its optimal performance and user experience.

brthrs' office in utrechtConclusion: native vs hybrid app

It is important to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of which type of app is best. It depends on the specific needs and goals of your app. Therefore, it is important to consider the different criteria and determine what is best for your particular situation.

Getting a native app or hybrid app developed

At Brthrs, we make apps that make users happy and help you grow. We are happy to think with you at any stage of your project. Need help developing your strategy? By design? Or in the development of your mobile app?

Feel free to contact us and we’ll look at the possibilities together!

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