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What is Amazon AWS?

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the world’s largest cloud solution. Tech giant Amazon’s platform includes many different services and APIs. Brthrs uses AWS in particular to display and process data from our projects faster.

How does Amazon AWS work?

Amazon AWS offers many opportunities for developers of digital products, such as Brthrs. A website or app with lots of visuals demands a lot from the server. By processing images and other large content in the cloud, you take away computing power from servers. AWS makes an application faster and more stable.

What are the benefits of AWS?

Besides taking away computing power, AWS has some other big advantages. We list them for you below:

  • Scalability: the flexible capabilities of the cloud don’t just offer solutions when you’re processing large amounts of data. It is also useful if you want to scale up and down smoothly. A start-up does not initially need much capacity. When growth gets going, you simply switch processing power.
  • Security: when you store data on your own server, you have to cover the security risks yourself. When you deploy AWS, your data ends up on a platform that employs the best and most up-to-date cyber-security.
  • Always available: the AWS cloud environment is built on so-called Availability Zones. These are physical data centers around the world, with their own power supplies, networks and connections. This ensures reliability and scalability.

Using the cloud offers many opportunities for a digital project. Curious what cloud solutions like Amazon AWS can do for your organization? Brthrs is happy to advise you on the possibilities.


Want to know more?

This is Robert, director of Brthrs. Do you have a question, a challenge, an idea … He loves to hear it!

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