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What is Agile?

Agile is a modern method for project management. The goal of Agile is to work as efficiently as possible. Not only for higher customer satisfaction, but also for increased job satisfaction and better results.

Through Agile, Brthrs Agency works more efficiently

Agile stands for agile, nimble and flexible. Because Brthrs organizes projects with agile, we can get to work faster and results are visible sooner. At the same time, the workload is relieved. There is no longer a need for a thick project plan that records all the estimates for a long time. The project’s timeline is divided into short periods, and something valuable is delivered in each period. Immediate feedback can be given on this result. Unnecessary work is avoided, customer satisfaction is guaranteed.

The benefits of Agile for your project

The biggest advantage of Agile is that we can get started right away, without having to do complicated planning first. Your project will be finished sooner as a result. But this way of working has more advantages. We list them all for you:

  • Fast results: with agile, you work with short cycles, or “sprints. Something of value is delivered after each sprint. Planning is therefore a lot easier than a project with a long lead time. It shortens the overall duration of the project.
  • Flexible working: it suits these unpredictable times to design projects flexibly. This allows you to jump in smoothly to sudden changes or requirements without losing valuable time.
  • Close customer contact: at the end of each sprint, the customer can give feedback on the result. This prevents noise. It leads to a final result that fully meets the client’s requirements.
  • Higher quality: because we deliver a visible and working partial product after each sprint, we detect errors and deviations faster. This leads to a higher quality product.


Want to know more?

This is Robert, director of Brthrs. Do you have a question, a challenge, an idea … He loves to hear it!

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