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Developing an app is the first step, but once your product is finished you need to market it. That very thing is perhaps the most difficult task for developers. Using our two popular apps Live TV and Scheduled, we answer a common question: how do I make my app successful?

In short, the basis of a successful app obviously lies with your concept itself and its elaboration. Make sure the idea adds something to the digital landscape and make your app available in different languages. Don’t just focus on iOS, but don’t skip Android either. Then find influential websites willing to write about your app. Quality over quantity: perfect your primary functionality and only expand with new features after publication.

1. First of all: create a product for which there is a need

It seems like an open door, but before you think about marketing at all, you need to create an app that adds something to the digital landscape. At the time, our app Live TV was groundbreaking: by combining two technologies, we were able to offer all live streams from the Internet in iOS. In most apps, only one stream was offered. Also with Scheduled, we acted from a need and came up with something that didn’t exist. A useful and functioning product is your most important foundation for success.

Read more about Scheduled on TechCrunch:

2. The power is in translation

Once your app is working and successful, localization is key. Your concept may be suitable for everyone, but a Frenchman would rather not have an English-language app. If you ignore that, you miss a big market. Therefore, it pays to release your app in as many languages as possible. For example, Scheduled has been translated into French, Portuguese, Italian, English, Dutch, Spanish and Chinese, among other languages. That way you can reach more people with the same features.

Translating an app sounds time-consuming and expensive, but it doesn’t have to be at all. Users of Scheduled themselves came to us asking if we could release the app in their language. By asking them to make that translation themselves, we created a user-generated translation.

3. Above all, don’t skip Android

Let’s face it: you also probably have more with iOS than Android ;). Apple’s products simply appeal more to creatives than Google’s system. However, that preference for Apple does not mean skipping the Android market. There is great value in releasing your app on the Google Play Store as well. After all, over 60% of smartphones worldwide run on Android. However, think about this only after steps 1 and 2 so that you include learning points in the development process and don’t make the same mistakes.

4. Make a good list of influencers

Nothing better for your product’s sales than positive attention from an influencer. Therefore, compile a list of good tech sites that you can send an email to after the release of your app. In the case of Scheduled, we were written about in 20 countries, including by the major tech site Techcrunch. If your app is well put together and really adds something, websites are happy to pay attention to it.

Here is a good list of tech sites:

5. Look for new features only after publishing

Quality comes before quantity, so don’t make it too hard on yourself. Release your app when the primary functionality works well (see also point 1) and only then start thinking about additional features. After all, you may come up with different ideas after releasing your app because of feedback you receive from users. Moreover, you often have your hands full with bug fixing in the first few weeks. That too is easier to address if your app is not too elaborate.

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